New York Post: "Szenen der feministischen Implosion"

New York Post: "Szenen der feministischen Implosion"

If you want to see why modern feminism is in crisis, look no further than Michelle Goldberg’s piece in the latest New Yorker.

She describes how transgender activists are protesting the gatherings of the group “RadFem Responds” with “acts of vandalism — stealing electrical cables, cutting water pipes, keying cars in the parking lot, and spray-painting a six-foot penis, and the words ‘Real Women Have D–ks,’ on the side of the main kitchen tent.”

Wait. What?

The radical feminists are under attack because they don’t accept in their ranks people born as biological men but now convinced they’re women. The RadFemmers argue that the transgendered just aren’t oppressed enough to gain membership.

Hier geht es weiter mit dem Artikel von Naomi Schaeffer Riley.

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