Huffington Post: Feminismus ist nicht "auch für Männer gut" – er nutzt nicht einmal Frauen

Huffington Post: Feminismus ist nicht "auch für Männer gut" – er nutzt nicht einmal Frauen

Have you ever read something you think is so outrageously wrong you have to correct it? Well, that feeling overwhelmed me when I read fellow Huffington Post UK blogger Jack Fletcher's post entitled Feminism Is For Men Too.

I'm now going to spend the next few hundred words explaining and defending why not agreeing with feminism is not the same as being a misogynist.

There are, as Fletcher rightly says, several misconceptions about feminism. Sadly, he seems to have bought into the main one: "feminism is about gender equality". Anyone who has ever talked to a feminist for any length of time will know that this is not true. Feminism consistently sees the world from the perspective of women, and occasionally adding the phrase 'and men have problems too' in order to create a smokescreen of gender equality.

Hier geht es weiter.

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