Mumbai: 43% mehr Vergewaltigungen, davon der Polizei zufolge 90% einvernehmlich
Even as the country has toughened its laws on sexual offences, crimes against women are on an upsurge in the city. Testimony to this is the statistics revealed by the Mumbai police, which shows a 43% increase in the number of rape cases in the first six months (till June 15) of 2014, as compared to the corresponding period of last year. From 191 last year, the numbers has jumped to 273. The police has, however, revealed that in 95% of these cases, the victim is known to the accused and 90% of the acts have been purely "consensual". This year, 237 people were arrested while last year 175 were arrested in the first six months.
DCP Mahesh Patil, spokesperson of the Mumbai police, said, "Most of the times, the rape case is filed following an affair that went sour. That apart, as per the law, we have to arrest the person if he ends up having an affair with a minor and the parents file a complaint. In all these cases, the act is consensual but we have to arrest the accused on charge of rape." Therefore, due to an increase in awareness, many a time, the law is misused and several cases are recorded, majority of which do not stand in the court of law due to to the technicalities of the case, said the police.
(...) According to women's rights activists, while the atrocities against women are on the rise, many are using the law to seek vengeance and for monetary compensation from the accused following an affair that went sour. Abha Singh, women's rights activist and lawyer, said, "The conviction rate in rape cases is only 16% in India, simply because most of these acts were consensual and do not stand in the court of law. There should be further amendment in the law where there is a clear demarcation of rape that is consensual/technical and that is forced. A separate section should be invoked under the IPC to define technical rape."
Und wieviel von diesem Artikel wird in deutschen Medien landen? Genau: "Vergewaltigungen in Indien um 43 Prozent angestiegen. Nur in 16 Prozent aller Fälle wird der Täter verurteilt".
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