Indien: Frauen missbrauchen Gesetz gegen Vergewaltigung, um Männer zur Heirat zu zwingen

Indien: Frauen missbrauchen Gesetz gegen Vergewaltigung, um Männer zur Heirat zu zwingen

Der Hohe Gerichtshof von Neu-Delhi ist zu einer Erkenntnis gelangt:

Penal provisions on rape have been misused by some women who develop consensual physical relationship with their lovers and after the breakup file false rape cases to force them to marry them, the Delhi High Court has said. Justice Kailash Gambhir said rape law was often misused by women as weapon for "vengeance and vendetta" to harass and blackmail their male friends by filing false cases to extort money and to force them to marry them.

"Many of the cases are being reported by those women who have consensual physical relationship with a man but when the relationship breaks due to one reason or the other, the women use the law as a weapon for vengeance and personal vendetta to extort money and sometimes even to force the boy to get married to them," the court said in a recent order.

Nein sowas. Wer hätte diese Entwicklung nur je voraussagen können? Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass auch über diese Häufung von Falschbeschuldigungen die deutschen Medien breit berichten werden...

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