Masturbierender Teenager wegen Eigenvergewaltigung festgenommen

Masturbierender Teenager wegen Eigenvergewaltigung festgenommen

Die Rape Culture hat ein neues Opfer gefunden – oder einen Täter, wie man's nimmt:

A Phoenix boy is behind bars tonight without bail after his mother called 9-1-1 after she found her son in his room, watching porn and masturbating. Phoenix Police were quick to respond, arresting 15-year-old Paul Horner, who attends North Valley High School in Phoenix, Arizona. Now the teenager is being charged by prosecutors under a new controversial Arizona state law called ‘Self-Rape’, which would carry a minimum of 3 years in prison with a maximum of 15 years behind bars depending on that individuals past criminal history.

Hier geht es weiter. Bis zu einer Meldung wie dieser war es wohl nur eine Frage der Zeit.

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