Falschbeschuldigung: Teenager saß neun Monate unschuldig im Knast
A Teenager has spoken of his nine-month hell in jail awaiting trial after being accused of rape and kidnap.
Daniel Rakestraw was freed on Tuesday after being cleared by a jury of tying a 16-year-old girl to his bed and attacking her. The jury took just 30 minutes to clear him of four charges of rape, one of kidnap and another of imprisonment.
The 19-year-old, from Revidge Road, Blackburn, said he was abused by other prisoners and put in isolation for his own safety during his stay in HM Prison Preston. (...) He said: "It was horrible. I wasn’t treated like I was innocent, I was treated like any other prisoner. I got put in isolation because my name was in the paper. I was treated like I had done something wrong. On the way to court I was separated in the van. The other prisoners were shouting out ‘where’s that nonce, where’s the rapist?’ I’m just happy to be out of there."
Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. An dieser Stelle muss daran erinnert werden, dass wir aus feministischer Sicht in einer "rape culture" leben, in der Männer das Vergewaltigen von Frauen als Petitesse betrachten. Im wirklichen Leben tun das, wie man hier sieht, nicht einmal Schwerverbrecher.
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