Kolumnistin für Studentenzeitschrift: "Auch vergewaltigte Männer sind privilegiert"
Men who have been sexually assaulted are still more privileged than women, an Arizona State University student said in a recent editorial.
Kaelyn Polick-Kirkpatrick, an opinion columnist for ASU’s student newspaper, wrote that while "victims of sexual violence should never be silenced," men do not belong in feminist conversations on that topic as they still inherently have more privilege.
(...) "When men want a space in this feminist conversation, it indicates the already prevalent patriarchal desire to control how oppressed groups fight their own battles," Polick-Kirkpatrick wrote. "When one comes forward to report and discuss the atrocities they have experienced, this should not mean they take up the space of others in the same conversation, even within the feminist community."
Polick-Kirkpatrick goes on to blame men’s rights activists in her article for accusing feminists of not caring about male victims of sexual assault.
Die News-Website Campus Reform berichtet.
Vor ein paar Tagen hatte Campus Reform in einem anderen Artikel über einen Studenten berichtet, der Opfer eines Raubüberfalls geworden war und erklärt hatte, aufgrund seiner Privilegien habe er diesen Überfall verdient.
Unsere Zukunft, meine Damen und Herren! Knallüberzeugt davon, die besseren Menschen zu sein. Und besser als diese ekligen Männerrechtler sowieso.
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