Kanada: Drei von vier Straßenjungen werden von Frauen sexuell ausgebeutet
Canada's largest study into the sexual exploitation of street kids and runaways has shattered some myths about who the abusers might be - with the most surprising finding being that many are women seeking sex with young males.
"Some youth in each gender were exploited by women with more than three out of four (79 per cent) sexually exploited males reporting exchanging sex for money or goods with a female," said Elizabeth Saewyc, associate professor of nursing at the University of British Columbia and principal investigator for the study conducted by Vancouver's McCreary Centre Society.
"I must admit it wasn't something we were expecting."
The results were drawn from interviews with 1,845 youth - some as young as 12 - in surveys taken across the province between 2000 and 2006.
The stereotypical model of the child being abused - a teenage female being sexually abused by a male - was wrong, said Saewyc.
Sexual exploitation is defined as youth under 19 trading sexual activities for money, drugs, gifts, food, services, shelter, transportation or anything similar. This can include work in brothels, escort services, pornography and Internet sex but it also includes what's described as "survival sex," where a child provides sex in exchange for a place to sleep, a meal or a ride.
Es ist in den letzten Jahren immer wieder dieselbe Geschichte, ob bei häuslicher Gewalt, Gewaltkriminalität oder sexuellen Übergriffen der unterschiedlichsten Art: Immer wieder werden die beliebten männerfeindlichen Vorurteile nicht bestätigt, immer wieder stellt man einen "erschreckend hohen" Anteil von Frauen im Täterfeld fest, immer wieder zeigen sich die Forscher regelrecht geschockt. Lesen diese Leute eigentlich nie die vielen anderen Veröffentlichungen zu dieser Thematik? Aber wenn wir Männerrechtler auf die Sachlage hinweisen, sind wir natürlich "Jammerlappen", "lächerlich" oder "streben einen Rollback in den Geschlechterbeziehungen an". Interessiert sich unter den feministischen Ideologinnen eigentlich noch irgendjemand für die Opfer?
Leider gibt es auch beängstigend viele männliche Täter:
The study found 94 per cent of females reported they had been sexually exploited by men.
Doch das zentrale Problem ist, wie unterschiedlich die Gesellschaft mit den Opfern beiderlei Geschlechts umgeht:
But the study found that young males were being preyed upon by sexual predators of both sexes, yet the social systems in place to deter and prevent sexual predation were only designed to help females and the criminal justice system wasn't concerned with what was happening to young males. (…)
Saewyc said it was indicative of the prevailing myths about sexual abuse that the rehabilitation program for persons arrested by police for attempting to buy sexual favours on the street was called "John School".
"I think it's time we had a Jane School. There should be an equal opportunity school for women predators," she said.
"Part of the challenge is that young males are not seen as being exploited because they are not coming to the attention of the police and the police aren't out there picking up the perpetrators. The system is set up to handle the sexual exploitation of young women, not young men," she said.
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