Huffington Post: "Männer sind keine Opfer: Nur eine feministische Lüge"

Huffington Post: "Männer sind keine Opfer: Nur eine feministische Lüge"

Within minutes I found myself passing the university bars. Music pounded through the night air with the sound of enthusiastic chatter from punters. Dodging a taxi, I crossed the road and continued toward the shop. My nose throbbed and blood still trickled down over my chin onto my, already, stained T-shirt. I'd given up wiping it away with my wrist, it wasn't stopping.

Head down, I attempted to pass a group walking toward me, but suddenly felt hands on my shoulders.

"Oh my god, mate, are you okay?"

I tried to tell them I was fine, but they were having none of it. The guy was a paramedic and stood me to the side. His girlfriend dug around in her bag for tissue which he used to help me. I explained that I live nearby and was heading to the shop when some men decided they were jealous of my face and thought they'd mess it up. They insisted I notify the police. I didn't.

The truth is, I had been assaulted by my girlfriend in our kitchen. It wasn't the first time she'd punched me. It wasn't the first time I had lied about it. And later that night, it wouldn't be the first time I'd return home to her apology and give her a forgiving cuddle.

Hier geht es weiter. Lesenswert. Ich bin immer noch dabei zu verarbeiten, dass ein so starker Artikel in einem Mainstream-Medium wie der Huffington Post erscheinen kann.

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