Großbritannien: Bis in ihre vierziger Jahre hinein verdienen Frauen mehr als Männer

Großbritannien: Bis in ihre vierziger Jahre hinein verdienen Frauen mehr als Männer

Twenty-something women have earned more than men in the same age group for the past decade. Now, in a further sign that the gender pay gap is retreating, the figures show that for the first time women in their 30s are also paid more than their male contemporaries.

(...) The ONS figures were supplemented by a survey by the Press Association news agency, which said that in 2013 a woman aged between 22 and 29 typically earned £1,111 more than a male rival.

Feminist campaigners said companies should close the pay gap at older ages by offering senior jobs to part-time or job-share managers.

Sam Smethers, of the Fawcett Society, said: "Sadly the opposite is true. Once you get to a certain level it is a full-time role, which excludes many women from roles they would be perfectly capable of doing."

(...) But Patricia Morgan, an author and researcher on the family, said: "If the pay gap in the 20s and 30s was the other way around there would be bucketloads of experts jumping up and down demanding that we act to address this dreadful inequality. No-one seems to worry about being unfair to men."

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