Entführtes Mädchen 19 Jahre nach spurlosem Verschwinden wieder aufgetaucht

Entführtes Mädchen 19 Jahre nach spurlosem Verschwinden wieder aufgetaucht

A man from South Carolina finally found his long lost daughter, kidnapped 19 years ago when she was just 10 months old. Born Savanna Catherine Todd in South Carolina, she's been living life as Samantha Geldenhuys all the way across the world in Australia!

Imagine suddenly finding out you were the victim of a crime you can't actually remember? Samantha, or rather Savanna, was kidnapped in 1994, during what was supposed to be a supervised visit with her mom, Dorothy Lee Barnett, who was engaged in a custody battle with the girl's father, Harris Todd.

Dorothy, who allegedly lived in Australia under the aliases Alexandria Maria Canton and Alexandria Maria Geldenhuys, is expected to be extradited to the United States to face charges for the alleged kidnapping of her own daughter. Her daughter, who is now 20, appeared at her side in court.

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