CNN-Journalistin: Junge Männer sollten sich vor Sex mit einer Frau durch SMS-Texte absichern

CNN-Journalistin: Junge Männer sollten sich vor Sex mit einer Frau durch SMS-Texte absichern

Um dem Vorwurf einer Vergewaltigung zu entgehen, sollten sich Männer im College-Alter durch Kurznachrichten vor und nach dem Sex absichern. Dies empfiehlt die CNN-Journalistin Roxanne Jones:

Never have sex with a girl unless she's sent you a text that proves the sexual relationship is consensual beforehand. And it's a good idea to even follow up any sexual encounter with a tasteful text message saying how you both enjoyed being with one another -- even if you never plan on hooking up again.

Crazy, I know, but I've actually been encouraging my son and his friends to use sexting -- minus the lewd photos -- to protect themselves from being wrongly accused of rape. Because just as damning text messages and Facebook posts helped convict the high-schoolers in Steubenville of rape, technology can also be used to prove innocence.

Auf Twitter stieß dieser Ratschlag auf einige Kritik:

Roxanne Jones wants to invalidate the rapes of many, many people because they said yes to something that one time


instead of teaching your son to respect women tell him they're all whores who just want to wrongly accuse him of rape

Die Huffington Post berichtet.

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