Britische Studie: Essstörungen immer mehr ein Jungenproblem
A six-year-old is the youngest boy to be treated for anorexia, a study reveals today. It also shows more young boys than girls are being treated for eating disorders such as anorexia. Figures show 51 hospital admissions last year of boys under 11 with eating disorders and 36 admissions of girls.
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Essstörungen Bei Männern Wegen Geschlechterklischees Unterdiagnostiziert
The widely held belief that only women experience eating disorders delays men with these conditions from getting treatment, a new British study says. "Men with eating disorders are underdiagnosed, undertreated and under-researched," write a team led...
"männer Hungern Sich Aus, Um Wie Die Fotos In Magazinen Auszusehen"
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