Autorin erhält Morddrohungen: "Warum ist der Feminismus so frauenfeindlich geworden"?
Nicht nur Nadja "Erzählmirnix" Hermann wird auf Twitter von Feministinnen angepampt, wenn sie sich, sobald es um das Thema "Körpergewicht" geht, der feministischen Leitideologie widersetzt. Einer britischen Autorin geht es nicht anders. Anita Singh berichtet für den britischen Telegraph:
Modern feminism can be depressingly anti-female, according to the author of a controversial new book who says too many women feel justified in hating beautiful stars like Keira Knightley.
Far from being supportive of other women, some feminists spend their time publicly shaming them for holding different views, Polly Vernon said.
Vernon is the author of Hot Feminist, in which she argues that wanting to look attractive and thin is perfectly compatible with feminist thinking. The book has not been universally welcomed.
Speaking at the Hay Festival, Vernon said: "I don’t think spending your life policing other women for what you perceive to be their errors or flaws is feminism. Slapping another woman down because she doesn’t agree with you is not feminism. But it’s very female and it’s very anti-women."
Vernon said she had been "slammed on Twitter, to the point where I’ve moved away from it for a few days.
(...) Her Twitter critics have included Laurie Penny, a contributing editor for the New Statesman, who said Vernon’s writing could be a trigger for anorexia.
Vernon also claimed to have received death threats after writing that she enjoyed being thin.
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