Australische Regierung finanziert 51 neue Wohnstätten für Männer

Australische Regierung finanziert 51 neue Wohnstätten für Männer

Was in Australien schon seit einigen Jahren männerpolitisch geschieht, ist aus der frauenzentrierten deutschen Perspektive geradewegs utopisch. Ein aktuelles Beispiel:

Minister for Indigenous Health Warren Snowdon announced today that 51 more Men’s Sheds in communities across Australia will receive funding to upgrade their facilities or buy new equipment and tools. "Men’s Sheds are more than just a place for blokes to do some woodworking and have a cuppa. They offer a welcoming environment where men can find support when they need it," Mr Snowdon said.

"In this funding round, we looked at giving priority to sheds that are committed to working with local councils, community health services, welfare organisations, men’s health services and other community services. Through these important community links, more socially disadvantaged or isolated men can benefit from the supportive atmosphere of their local Men’s Shed. The funding particularly supports sheds that have been established in areas of high unemployment and where social isolation and disadvantage are most common," he said.

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