Australien: erstmals nationale Gesundheitspolitik für Männer

Australien: erstmals nationale Gesundheitspolitik für Männer

Warum ist in Deutschland so etwas eigentlich undenkbar?:

8 June 2008

The Rudd Government will develop Australia’s first ever National Men’s Health Policy – in recognition of the fact that men often have poorer health than women, are likely to die earlier, and are at greater risk of suicide.

To mark the start of International Men’s Health Week, Minister for Health Nicola Roxon is launching the paper Setting the scene: developing a men’s health policy for Australia.

As an initial downpayment on a broader approach, the Government will invest:

- $ 460,000 to help prevent suicide in men, through the National Suicide Prevention Strategy

- $ 95,000 to encourage men to see their GP

Men’s health is too often overlooked. This comes at a cost. We know that:

- Men are expected to live 4.8 years less than women

- Men are three times more likely to commit suicide

- Men experience 70 per cent of the burden of disease related to injury

- Men are over-represented in deaths related to HIV/AIDS.

The health of Indigenous men is also significantly worse than for any other group in Australia, with an average life expectancy of only 59 years – some 20 years less than non-Indigenous Australian males.

The Government’s decision to develop a National Men’s Health Policy recognises that men have specific health needs and challenges. (…)

Men’s health deserves attention. Over the next twelve months, the Government will develop a comprehensive men’s health policy. We want to know what men consider to be the priorities for their health, and we want to look at how we can build up the evidence base in this area, including opportunities for research over the long term.

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