Australien: Männerrechtler fordern Feststellung der Vaterschaft nach der Geburt

Australien: Männerrechtler fordern Feststellung der Vaterschaft nach der Geburt

Ähnlich wie die deutsche Männerrechtsgruppe MANNdat fordern auch australische Männerrechtler einen verpflichtenden Test der Vaterschaft bei allen Neugeborenen. Der Sydney Morning Herald berichtet:

MEN'S groups are calling for mandatory paternity testing of all newborns as it emerges a record number of men are finding they are not the fathers of children they believed to be theirs.

Almost a quarter of paternity tests conducted by one of Australia's largest DNA laboratory companies show the man submitting a sample is not the father, compared to an estimated one in 10 "exclusions" 10 years ago.

The number of tests taken in Australia has doubled from 3000 in 2003 to more than 6000 last year.

Thousands of men are turning to DIY testing kits - available online - to discover whether they are the biological father while they are still in a relationship and without telling their partners about their suspicions.

Some have brought up children to adulthood or paid tens of thousands of dollars in maintenance to the Child Support Agency (CSA) before finding out they have no genetic link.
Men's Rights Agency co-director Sue Price said: "People's lives are being ruined by this. It is not just the men, it's the children who grow up thinking one person is their father and then find out it's someone else.

"In the future, more and more health treatments are going to be based on genetic technology, so it is going to be even more important to know who your biological father is.

"Mandatory testing would get rid of all these problems."

"DIY testing kids" (DIY: Do-It-Yourself) sind bereits online erhältlich? Schau einer an.

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