"Wir müssen Verbrechen zu einem Männerthema machen"

"Wir müssen Verbrechen zu einem Männerthema machen"

Crime is a men’s issue. Men are more at risk of becoming an offender and more likely to be a victim of crime and violence.

Yet crime is rarely approached as a gender issue and that’s something that the National Conference for Men and Boys aims to highlight.

(...) We’ve been looking at the statistics in recent years and asking why 95% of the prison population is male? Is it because men are naturally criminal? If that was the case surely all classes of society would be equally represented in prison.

(...) One organisation that doesn’t write off young men is the excellent abandofbrothers who have attended every previous men and boys conference, including the local pilot in 2010. (...) Their chief executive, Nathan Roberts, wrote in the New Statesman this year: "Men are perpetrators of over 90 per cent of violent crime in the UK. If you believe, as abandofbrothers do, that 'hurt people, hurt people' and that violence is a manifestation of prior psychological woundings on the part of the perpetrator rather than the expression of an inherent evil, then this too points to the disadvantage of men and boys."

(...) The Conservative MP for Shipley, Phil Davies, delighted men’s rights campaigners last year when he attacked the different ways that men and women are treated by the criminal justice system. He told parliament: "There appears to be sex discrimination in the sentencing of offenders, but the people being discriminated against are men not women….men are treated more harshly by the courts than women. For every single category of offence, for all ages and in all types of court, men are more likely to be sent to prison than women."

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