"Lernen Sie die Feministin kennen, die sich für Männer einsetzt"
Der britische "Telegraph" berichtet mal wieder in einer Form über den Feminismus, die in den schmachtenden deutschen Leitmedien unvorstellbar wäre:
For a lot of men, there are two dirty f-words in the English language: the four-letter one we hear at football matches and, at the risk of having faecal matter posted through my letterbox, the term ‘feminist’.
I don’t say this because men oppose equality – not at all. But, rather, because feminism often goes hand-in-hand with toxic and misleading anti-men sentiments.
American writer Andrea Dworkin once said she wanted ‘to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig’, while author Sally Miller Gearhart suggested (in all seriousness) that ‘the proportion of men be reduced to, and maintained at, 10 per cent of the human race’.
Even Jilly Cooper, queen of the bonkbuster, famously asserted that ‘the male is a domestic animal which, if treated with fairness, can be trained to do most things.’
Sadly, these cheery soundbytes can’t simply be written-off as historic gaffes. Only last month Jessica Valenti wrote an article for The Guardian entitled ‘Feminists don’t hate men… but it wouldn’t matter even if we did’.
Hence why, as far as I’m concerned, men who support feminism are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
Fortunately, one woman – Christina Hoff Sommers - is doing the movement some serious justice with her own brand of sensible suffrage.
Hier geht es weiter mit dem Artikel, der in den Charts der meistgelesenen "Telegraph"-Artikel derzeit an der Spitze steht.
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