"Der Krieg gegen die Jungen: Feministinnen und Männerrechtler liegen beide falsch"

"Der Krieg gegen die Jungen: Feministinnen und Männerrechtler liegen beide falsch"

One problem with one-issue activists, it seems, is that they often view matters from only one dimension. This has always been one of the characteristics of feminists. Men get blame for being history's conquerors and killers, for instance, but no credit for being its innovators and healers. We will hear about how women "create life" while men only destroy it, but forgotten are the fruits of men's labors. Were it not for male medical advances that virtually eliminated female death during childbirth, many feminists wouldn't be around to crow about their fecundity.

Given this misandrist atmosphere, it's not surprising that an opposing group called "men's rights activists" would arise. They rebut feminist ideology, bring many important issues to light and usually make excellent points. And I tend to like them.

One issue they're front and center on is the "war against boys." This refers to the characteristic problems exhibited by modern lads — such as higher dropout rates, worse grades, and lower college attendance than girls and a far greater likelihood that they'll be targeted by the ADHD police for a pickling with Ritalin — and the causes of these things. As for the latter, men's rights activists implicate a prevailing anti-male attitude in a highly-feminized society. And I essentially agree with that analysis. Yet, despite this, like the feminists, they go badly astray. In fact, the two groups have more in common than they would care to admit.

Weiter geht es hier.

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