"Dates mit einem Feministen sind wie Dates mit einem zickigen Mädchen"

"Dates mit einem Feministen sind wie Dates mit einem zickigen Mädchen"

Die Publizistin Ann Sterzinger plaudert aus dem Nähkästchen, was Beziehungen mit männlichen Feministen angeht:

The most abusive, nasty, and whiny guys I run into into are invariably male feminists. They treat women exactly as badly as they claim all the other guys treat women. (...) On the other hand, guys who don’t babble about feminist theory make attentive lovers as well as great friends. (...) If the male feminist doesn’t get laid after doling out some friendship, it’s end-of-the-fucking-world-level unfaaaaaaaaaair.

(...) Like white liberals who won’t shut the fuck up about everyone else’s racism, I suspect these guys feel a serious secret prejudice, nay, hatred toward the objects of their solicitous concern. (...) So rather than get help with their little hatred problem, they scream about everyone else’s sexism and racism in hopes that no one will see through to the evil in their own hearts. Guys who don’t hate women, on the other hand, have no need to throw up such ideological smokescreens. Why would they yip and yap about feminist theory? They have nothing to hide.

(...) You have one guess at the ideological bent of the guy who actually punched me. Ladies, if you want the lovely treatment feminism promises to deliver you, avoid male feminists like the sneaky-ass woman-haters they are.

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