Wikipedia "sehr männlich" – Feministinnen wollen sie reparieren
Feminist groups at more than a dozen universities are planning to participate in another mass “edit Wikipedia day,” because the free, volunteer encyclopedia website is obviously horribly sexist.
Sarah Stierch, a Wikipedia contributor and researcher for the Wikimedia Foundation, said the problem isn’t just that most Wikipedia user are male. The layout of the website is itself "very masculine," she said.
"It’s aesthetically very masculine in its design," said Stierch in a statement to The Daily Dot, also noting that, "The average Wikipedia editor is a well-educated white male. Well-educated white males have been writing history and the story of the world since ancient times."
To fix this, feminists at colleges around the country are launching another ‘Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon.’ Next week, feminists are encouraged to change rewrite the online encyclopedia to make it less masculine (...).
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