USA: Studenten müssen jetzt erklären, warum sie Sex haben, um Beschuldigungen zu vermeiden

USA: Studenten müssen jetzt erklären, warum sie Sex haben, um Beschuldigungen zu vermeiden

At Ohio State University, to avoid being guilty of "sexual assault" or "sexual violence," you and your partner now apparently have to agree on the reason WHY you are making out or having sex. It’s not enough to agree to DO it, you have to agree on WHY: there has to be agreement "regarding the who, what, where, when, why, and how this sexual activity will take place."

There used to be a joke that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Does this policy reflect that juvenile mindset? Such a requirement baffles some women in the real world: a female member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights told me, "I am still trying to wrap my mind around the idea of any two intimates in the world agreeing as to ‘why.’"

(...) If this definition of "sexual assault" were not already broad enough, Ohio State’s Student Wellness Center seeks to radically narrow the concept of consent further (and ban "kissing" without verbal consent as "sexual assault"). It says consent must be "verbal," "enthusiastic," and must be "asked for every step of the way"; "If consent is not obtained prior to each act of sexual behavior (from kissing to intercourse), it is not consensual sex," it says. Consent also must also be a litany of other things, such as "sober," "informed," "honest," "wanted," and "creative."

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