USA: 30 Prozent Anstieg bei betrunkenen Autofahrerinnen

USA: 30 Prozent Anstieg bei betrunkenen Autofahrerinnen

The war of the sexes has women closing in on men in a not-so-flattering category: drunken driving.

According to the federal government and lawyers who defend driving-under-the-influence cases, the courts are witnessing a rise in drunken driving cases involving women. Over the last decade, FBI statistics say, the absolute number of women arrested for drunken driving jumped nearly 30 percent. (…)

No surprise for Los Angeles DUI attorney Lawrence Taylor of the Law Offices of Lawrence Taylor, who wrote the book "Drunk Driving Defense". He has long seen this coming. "This isn't something that happened in the last few months. This has been going on as a steady phenomenon for a number of years," Taylor said. The last few years in particular, he added, noting that women now account for up to 40 percent of his firm's clientele.

His theory? "As women are more liberated and take part in the workplace more and are less focused on the home, they are exposed to more pressures and will turn to things like alcohol, as men have always done," Taylor said.

Do female drunken driving defendants fare better in the courts? "Theoretically, no. In practice, of course," Taylor said, noting that some judges are a little more reluctant to throw a woman with children in jail.

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