US-Unis: Können Männerrechtler ihr Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit durchsetzen?
On November 1, 2014 a historic first will be happening on an American university campus. Jonathan Taylor of A Voice for Male Students, Dr. Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa, Karen Straughan of the Honey Badger Brigade and Paul Elam of A Voice for Men will be standing up to speak at Kennesaw State University in Georgia at a conference sponsored by of Kennesaw State University Men (KSUM), a men’s rights organization.
The backlash against this happening has been significant. Two KSUM academic advisors have resigned, one of them citing SPLC criticisms of AVFM which were sent from "anonymous" sources. KSU founder and president Sage Gerard has been subjected to verbal and even physical attacks. Specious investigations against him have been launched by university staff which are clearly ideologically driven and designed to derail his efforts to bring men’s issues awareness to that campus.
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