Südafrika: Mehr als 20 Jungen sterben bei Beschneidungsritualen
More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death.
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Zahl Der Beschneidungstoten In Südafrika Auf 33 Gestiegen
Thirty-three South African boys have died following botched circumcisions in the country’s Eastern Cape province, radio reports said Sunday. Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Ich werde in diesem Blog die Totenzahlen nicht weiter aktualisieren....
Afrika: Genitalverstümmelung Brachte Eine Halbe Million Jungen Ins Krankenhaus Oder Ins Grab
Research published by the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL) claims that more than 500,000 boys have ended up in hospital since 2008 after being subjected to traditional circumcision...
Bayern: "jungen Und Mädchen Müssen Gleiche Chancen Haben"
"Wir arbeiten intensiv daran, dass Jungen und Mädchen gleiche Chancen in der Schule haben! Und unser Engagement ist auch geboten," betonte Bayerns Kultusstaatssekretär Dr. Marcel Huber heute in München bei einer Pressekonferenz im Vorfeld einer Fachtagung...
Drei Frauen Entführen Und Vergewaltigen Mann
South African police have opened an investigation after a man was kidnapped and raped by three women who collected his semen before dumping their victim. The unidentified 33-year-old man was reportedly bundled into the back of a black BMW at gunpoint...
Südafrika: Sexueller Missbrauch Von Jungen Nimmt Zu
Little was said during Child Protection Week, which came to an end at the weekend, about the increase in the sexual abuse of boys. "There is certainly less concern being publicly expressed. There is almost an assumption that boys are less harmed by sexual...
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