Pulitzer-Preisträger: Angebliche Sex-Übergriffe bringen Vorteile für "Opfer"

Pulitzer-Preisträger: Angebliche Sex-Übergriffe bringen Vorteile für "Opfer"

Sexuelle Übergriffe und der Umgang mit den Opfern sind ein Problem an amerikanischen Hochschulen. Ein konservativer Publizist glaubt: Die Opferrolle ist unter den Studentinnen begehrt. Die Belästigen seien kaum erkennbare "Mikro-Übergriffe".

Die Opfer von Vergewaltigungen profitieren, wenn sie die Tat anzeigen. Denkt zumindest der konservative amerikanische Autor George Will. Wenn die amerikanischen Hochschulen angeben würden, dass Belästigungen auf dem Campus allgegenwärtig seien und aus der Opferrolle eine begehrte Rolle mit Privilegien machten, würden die Betroffenen wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen.

Das berichtet der FOCUS. Tatsächlich ist die Opfer-Ideologie an US-Hochschulen schon so weit fortgeschritten, dass mancher darauf nur noch in Form einer Satire angemessen antworten kann:

You can’t possibly understand how hard it was. Here I was, wanting to have sex, and the guy I wanted to have sex with was denying me what I wanted. It was so bizarre, I’d never experienced anything like it. I couldn’t believe it, I had shown such courage by taking sexual initiative only to be turned down? DISEMPOWERING!! Denying me sex was his way of trying to regain patriarchal power over me, he was no doubt intimidated by a strong woman like myself, saying no was a desperate attempt to try to show that he was the boss. That’s as much a Patriarchal power move as rape—in fact, it is rape. Denying a woman sexual fulfillment is rape. He didn’t force me to have sex with him, but he forced me not to have sex with him when I really wanted to—this is obviously just as bad.

Sachlicher argumentiert Sandy Banks in der L.A. Times:

What do you do when two young people — both drunk and amorous — have sex that neither completely remembers, both belatedly regret and each sees through a different lens the morning after?

In my day, we called that a lesson; you might cry privately, commiserate with friends, and then life goes on.

Today, we call that a crime; lives unravel, lawyers intervene and years of therapy ensue.

Inzwischen ist diese Hysterie auch an britische Universitäten geschwappt, wozu Joanna Williams Stellung bezieht:

There is no evidence to suggest an explosion in sexual violence at British universities. Instead, the current talk of a university ‘rape culture’ is merely the product of female students being encouraged to interpret the messy, uncomfortable and perhaps regrettable processes that are involved in negotiating relationships and sex through the prism of rape. The introduction of compulsory lessons in how to ensure sexual consent at many universities will only exacerbate this trend.

The only thing all this awareness-raising will achieve is encouraging more female students to take on the mantle of victimhood. The irony is that young women taking their finals at Oxford this week are enjoying one of the best university experiences in the world. The knowledge, the contacts and the certificate they will take with them after their studies have ended will open up a world of possibilities for them in the future. What’s more, they will be entering adulthood and public life at a time when it has never been better to be a woman. Yet, rather than celebrating this fact, it appears as if today’s young feminists long for nothing more than an excuse to present themselves as victims of a by-gone patriarchy.

The proliferation of white ribbons also reveals the narcissism at the heart of feminism today. Ribbons, wristbands and online selfies, the most visible forms of modern feminist campaigning, only act as a public display of the wearer’s emotionally correct credentials. Everything, from the Isla Vista killings in America to the Boko Haram kidnappings in Nigeria, gets turned into an opportunity for feminists to dwell on how they, too, have suffered at the hands of men.

When some of the best and brightest female students in the world are choosing to turn exam time into a statement of their own victimhood, it is time for feminism to ask some serious questions of itself.

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