Paula Wright: #Gamergate ist eine Schlacht um den radikalen Feminismus

Paula Wright: #Gamergate ist eine Schlacht um den radikalen Feminismus

Die britische Publizistin Paula Wright hat die Vorgänge um das sogenannte #Gamergate genauer analysiert. (Was das überhaupt ist, erfährt man zu Beginn ihres Artikels). Ein Auszug:

I see this squabble not as about games or journalism but an expression of a wider battle that has been spilling out into popular culture for a few years now. A battle that was surrendered, and whose unintended consequences are now emerging. When Sarkeesian made the front page of the NYT this battle also went mainstream, yet very few people are aware of it. It is the battle for feminism.

Radical feminism has already won this battle. It is documented in the denouncement of the woman who launched the second wave, Betty Friedan, as an anti-feminist, by Susan Faludi in Backlash. Many equity feminists dropped "feminist" and took up "egalitarian" instead. The unforeseen consequence of this was a vacuum of authority that allowed radicals to claim the "feminist" brand. Now people who attempt to challenge radical feminism are, like Friedan, labelled anti-feminist, as if "feminist" and "woman" were synonyms. They aren’t.

The dictionary definition of "feminist" is in urgent need of revision!

Radicalism is the orthodoxy in feminism today. Radfem mater familiar Germaine Greer went so far as to announced this summer, "We’ve gone as far as we can with this equality nonsense. It was always a fraud!"

Hier findet man den vollständigen Text.

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