Patricia Arquette nach feministischem Plädoyer unter feministischem Beschuss
Eines muss man Feministinnen lassen: Sie rammen einem ihre Ideologie zu jeder passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheit ungefragt rein – zuletzt die Schauspielerin Patricia Arquette bei der Oscar-Verleihung:
And the "check your privilege" award goes to ... Patricia Arquette.
Arquette, whose net worth is $24 million, claimed Sunday night that women still don’t have equal rights in the U.S.
"To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights," Arquette said while accepting the Best Supporting Actress award at the Oscars. "It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America."
(...) What rights don’t American women have? We can vote, have a career, obtain an education, own property, run for and hold political office — what is it that women can’t do, exactly?
And if Arquette is basing her claim on the gender wage gap, which shows that the average of all working women is less than the average of all working men (without controlling for occupation, education, experience or hours worked), then she’s perpetuating a false talking point.
The reason women on average earn less than men is not due to discrimination or a lack of equal rights, but because of the choices women make in what careers they take, what hours they work or whether they leave the workforce for children, among other things.
(...) Carrie Lukas, managing director for the conservative Independent Women’s Forum, released a statement refuting Arquette’s assumption that women do not have equal rights in America.
"Women can write their own story by carefully considering their options and the long-term impact of the choices they make about education, careers, specialties and the time they take out of the workplace," Lukas said. "Women may never catch up to men on average earnings — but if those difference[s] in pay are the result of purposeful choices that women are making based on their priorities, than that doesn't mean we all can't have our own happy ending."
Supporters of Arquette’s statement could say that she is just using her platform to advocate for those less fortunate than she. But telling people they don’t have equal rights when they do doesn’t help anyone — it in fact hurts the conversation.
Aber auch etwas anderes muss man Feministinnen lassen: Die arrogante Selbstgerechtigkeit, mit der sie ihre eigenen Unterstüzerinnen niedermachen, weil sie nicht radikal genug sind, ist beispiellos. Auch Patricia Arquette landete prompt im feministischen Shitstorm auf Twitter und in diversen Online-Artikeln. Und niemand beherrscht einen herablassenden Tonfall so gut wie das feministische Lager, beispielsweise Amanda Marcotte:
Arquette tried to use her win for Best Supporting Actress as an opportunity to speak out for wage equality, and, to be fair, her actual speech on the podium wasn't the worst thing ever. (...) A bit jumbled and shallow — ninth-grade debate club debut-ish — but her heart seemed to be in the right place. At least, Meryl Streep and J-Lo thought so.
Erfreulicherweise kann man sich bei Feministinnen darauf verlassen, dass sie mit genau diesem herablassenden und abkanzelnden Tonfall noch lange Zeit weitermachen – so dass sich jeder, der noch ein bisschen Selbstachtung besitzt, zweimal überlegt, ob er so eine Ideologie unterstützt.
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