Neuer feministischer Twitter-Trend erfrischend ehrlich: #GiveYourMoneyToWomen
On September 20, 2014 actress and U.N. Women Global Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson gave a speech that officially kicked off the movement “He For She,” which aimed at encouraging one half of all people in the world to non-reciprocally support and advocate for the other half. The campaign calls on men and boys to "take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls" but says nothing at all about problems affecting men and boys. While celebrities took to Twitter to profess their unequivocal support to the cause, for a few days at least, the counter campaigns #WeForWe and #SheForHe appeared, encouraging the pursual of equality through equal attention and support, versus a gendered approach.
And for a little while, that was the debate – whether it was better for women’s issues should take the forefront of equality discussions, or if an un-gendered cooperative approach to equality would better assist the attempt to do away with perceived gender roles.
And then yesterday happened.
In a move that has shocked virtually no one, radical internet feminist idealogues have launched a new campaign aimed at encouraging men to simply give their money to women.
On Twitter yesterday, I noticed the use of the hashtag #GiveYourMoneyToWomen. I originally assumed this was a push to help female owned businesses and out of curiosity decided to check it out. What I found was women requesting money for makeup, shoes, and fuzzy blankets. Women demanding money "if you have ever smiled at a woman without her consent." Women demanding money for being attractive. "You think it’s cheap being this cute? You look, you pay. #GiveYourMoneyToWomen" with an attached selfie image. Within two days, the hashtag has garnered more than 16,000 interactions.
My favorite of all the tweets I sifted through was: "The opposition to #GiveYourMoneyToWomen from men just proves how they don’t get what a chore is for women to exist online or ... anywhere."
Hier geht es weiter mit dem Artikel von Liz Finnegan. Immerhin ist die neue Kampagne sehr viel ehrlicher und direkter als der #Aufschrei und die Kampagnen für eine Frauenquote. Der Netzfeminismus im Jahr 2015 entwickelt sich unaufhaltsam voran.
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