Männliche Genitalverstümmelung Riesentrend in Ruanda
(...) Among young people, circumcision has actually become "fashionable." Thanks to the Internet and television, they learned that in neighboring countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, circumcision was often a tradition, and not only for Muslims. For these young people, circumcision has become a sign of cleanliness.
And for those who do not follow fashion, life can become complicated. "I decided to pay 50,000 Rwanda Francs ($80) to get circumcised. I couldn’t stand being insulted by other students anymore. They called me a good-for-nothing, a kafiri (‘uncircumcised’) or a bottleneck (referring to a non-circumcised male organ)," says François.
Three of his friends also admit they went through a similar experience. "Rwandese society still accepts uncircumcised men, but in some districts, they are sometimes frowned upon. And it’s even worse in high school, where they are discriminated against," reveals Gaspard.
Among girls and women, circumcised men have also gained some prestige lately, in a country where the custom was not very common until now. Mrs Kanyange, a mother of three, thinks that despite its cost, circumcision has great advantages: "It ensures cleanliness, and the operation is also an esthetic one for men."
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