London: Kanzlei von Scheidungsanwälten für entrechtete Väter eröffnet

London: Kanzlei von Scheidungsanwälten für entrechtete Väter eröffnet

Men-only divorce law firms look set to be the latest import from America as Britain’s first practice targeting fathers who feel hard done by in the family courts sets up in London.

Family law companies with all male client lists have been growing in popularity in the US since the Nineties as fathers and husbands worry women are more likely to get a better deal. One of these is Cordell & Cordell, who told American divorcing husbands "we’re going to help you keep the dollars you earned" and is now setting up in London this month.

Chief executive Joseph E. Cordell said: "Men are still unfairly represented in family courts in the UK. We recognised the need for this service back in 1990 ... Our goal is to bridge the gender gap that has been part of family law for too long now."

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