Kanada: Erste Apotheke nur für Frauen

Kanada: Erste Apotheke nur für Frauen

Wie weit man die Apartheid zwischen den Geschlechtern ausreizen kann, ist oft nur eine Frage des Einfallsreichstums:

Caryn Duncan, executive director of the collective, came up with the idea of opening a pharmacy for women in the Downtown Eastside in 2006.

She lives in the area and often saw queues of patrons spilling out of pharmacies onto sidewalks and having to speak to pharmacists through security glass. "They're, I think, quite hostile places and women don't feel safe," Duncan said. "Women are walking distances to have prescriptions filled and we're hoping that they will think to come to Lu's."

(…) Starting mid-September, customers can see a nurse practitioner in an adjacent examining room. Lu's plans to include a big couch at the back where visitors can join support groups for addictions and to stop smoking. Women Against Violence Against Women, and possibly other organizations dedicated to women, will use an additional office at the back to deliver programs.

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