Indische Politikerin: "Gesetz zum Schutz vor Vergewaltigungen ist männerfeindlich"
Wie Genderama berichtete, setzte die feministische Fraktion in Indien durch, dass ein neues Gesetz gegen Vergewaltigungen so formuliert wurde, dass nur Frauen von diesem Schutz erfasst werden. Inzwischen wird dieser Sexismus immerhin im Oberhaus des indischen Parlaments, dem Rajya Sabha, problematisiert. Der Times of India zufolge äußerte vor allem die Abgeordnete Jaya Bachchan scharfe Kritik:
Actor-turned-politician Jaya Bachchan on Thursday said the anti-rape bill is anti-male and that its provisions make men vulnerable to misuse of the law.
Participating in a debate in Rajya Sabha on the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2013, Samajwadi Party MP Bachchan said she was not too happy with various aspects of the bill, including punishment for those found stalking women, which can lead to the misuse of the bill.
It's not just men who stalk women. Bachchan said women too stalk men and one often hears women say, "Oh! That man is so hot."
"Please do not do justice to one section at the cost of the other," said Bachchan.
Speaking before her, Trinamool Congress MP Derek O'Brien said he was groped in a bus in Kolkata when he was 13 years old.
Bachchan made it clear she was supporting the bill as her party, the SP, had asked her to, but "as an individual, I have many problems (with the bill)".
She objected to the use of "patronizing" words such as "protection" for women. "You have even made the pepper spray cheaper. It is so patronizing," said Bachchan. She was annoyed with the time allotted with her as it was too little to say all that she wanted to and said it was humiliating.
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