Indien: Immer mehr Männer beklagen Übergriffe durch ihre Partnerin

Indien: Immer mehr Männer beklagen Übergriffe durch ihre Partnerin

While the city police working in the Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell (WGRC) usually get cases of daughters-in-law approaching them, alleging torture and harassment for dowry by in-laws, in the last couple of years, the cell has been witnessing an increase in the number of men approaching them as well, complaining of harassment by their wives.

According to the statistics provided by the WGRC, in 2013, out of the 600 cases that the cell received, around 15 per cent were filed by men. This year, the number has already reached around 700 till October, out of which 200 cases were filed by men against their wives.

"With time, the nature of violence has changed and in the last 10 months, out of the total complaints received by the cell, around 30 per cent of them were from men," said said Inspector Pratibha Joshi, in-charge of WGR cell. She added, "They file applications claiming their wife is harassing and torturing them. In most of these cases, the women are suspicious of their husband’s activities, especially if he is found chatting on social networking sites, or by checking their call records. The husband fears that she may file a false case of domestic violence against him and so they approach us for counselling."

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