Großbritannien: Zugabteile nur für Frauen geplant
Einer der Gründe, warum man sich auch für die Geschlechterpolitik in anderen Teilen der Welt interessieren sollte: Früher oder später zieht so manche Entwicklung auch nach Europa.
Two months after Sao Paolo’s city authorities approved a bill enforcing women-only carriages on the city’s metro network, a transport minister has said that similar measures may be needed in the UK.
Claire Perry, speaking at the Conservative party conference in Birmingham yesterday, said she is "absolutely determined" to cut the number sexual offences on public transport, and that women-only carriages could be a way to prevent "groping and low-level violence".
(...) Segregated carriages currently operate in India, Russia, Indonesia and Japan, where transport police have seen a drop in incidents since they were introduced. SheTaxi, a woman-only taxi company, also launched in New York this month.
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