Großbritannien: Soldat schildert, wie Falschbeschuldigung sein Leben zerstörte
A soldier arrested for a rape that never happened told how the allegation has ruined his life - as his accuser was jailed for eight months.
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Football-spieler Will Angebliche Falschbeschuldigerin Verklagen
Ray McDonald was accused of rape in December, and the 49ers cut him immediately after news broke that police were investigating. But McDonald has not been charged, and now he plans to sue his accuser, saying she made a false claim and that it has put...
Wales: Serien-falschbeschuldigerin Zu Zwei Jahren Gefängnis Verurteilt
A woman who undermined the criminal justice system by making a series of false rape allegations against former boyfriends has been jailed. Leanne Black, 32, of Leadon Court, Thornhill, Cwmbran, repeatedly fabricated rape stories over an eight-year period,...
Indien: Fünf Männer Nach 16 Jahren Knast Von Vergewaltigung Freigesprochen
Just as rape causes great distress to the victim, a false charge destroys lives and damages reputation, the Delhi high court has said, acquitting five men who were jailed sixteen years ago on the charge of gangrape. "There is no doubt that rape causes...
Oberster Gerichtshof Neu-delhis: Falschbeschuldigungen Bei Vergewaltigungen Richten Vergleichbar Großen Schaden An
Das passt zu der Meldung, die ich vor ein paar Stunden gebloggt habe: False allegation of rape can cause the same humiliation and distress to an accused which a rape victim undergoes, the Delhi High Court has said and highlighted the need to guard against...
Indien: Neues Gesetz Führt Zu Rapidem Anstieg Von Falschbeschuldigungen Bei Sexueller Gewalt
A spurt in false cases has earned Delhi notoriety as the country's 'rape capital', a court here observed while acquitting a 75-year-old man of the charge of sexually assaulting his maid. The court said things have come to such a pass after...
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