German President Under Fire From Feminists Over Sexism Debate

German President Under Fire From Feminists Over Sexism Debate

Hört endlich auf mit der Brüllerei, die Nachbarn gucken schon:

The honeymoon is over for Germany’s 11th federal president: after a relatively good start into his tenure, Joachim Gauck has now managed to draw the ire of Germany’s feminists.

Gauck joined the sexism debate currently raging in his country by telling Der Spiegel news magazine: "Certainly much remains to be done but I cannot see widespread misbehavior of men against women in our country".

Sounds innocent enough but, Gauck also detected "virtue fury" (Tugendfuror) in that debate and at least some feminists are furious, indeed.

The whole thing follows a somewhat bizarre encounter over a year ago between the leading candidate of the Free Democrats, Rainer Brüderle and journalist Laura Himmelreich in which the former apparently suggested to the latter that she "could fill out a dirndl well."

Now, a dirndl is that cleavage-revealing traditional dress most often found in southern Germany, and Frau Himmelreich, didn’t exactly take it as a compliment.

Hier geht es weiter. Ich glaube, wir Deutschen wirken auf Beobachter von außen gerade mal wieder sehr wunderlich.

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