Geheime Gesprächsaufzeichnung entlastet Uber-Fahrer nach Vergewaltigungsvorwurf

Geheime Gesprächsaufzeichnung entlastet Uber-Fahrer nach Vergewaltigungsvorwurf

An Uber driver’s secret recording of his conversation with a passenger prompted Cook County prosecutors Monday to drop rape and kidnapping charges against him, his attorney told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Maxime Fohounhedo, 30, was charged in December in the Nov. 16 sexual assault of a female passenger. Fohounhedo was expected to be released from the Cook County Jail later on Monday. He has spent the last four months behind bars.

"Fortunately Max can live the rest of his life without this stain on his name," said his attorney, Shady Yassin.

(...) Yassin said his client recorded his nine-minute conversation with the woman on his cell phone as he drove her home.

"He had a gut feeling he needed to protect himself," Yassin said. "She was having a friendly conversation with him and talking about her boyfriend and her work and gave him a hug in the end."

Fohounhedo helped the passenger out of his car and she said "thank you so much," according to Yassin.

"Certainly you are not buddy-buddy with a rapist," he said.

(...) Yassin said he doesn’t know whether the woman will face charges for falsely accusing Fohounhedo.

"I know it wasn’t right what she did,” he said. “My client was the real victim. He had to spent four months behind bars for whatever her motivation was — her own embarrassment, or whatever."

Fohounhedo doesn’t plan to work with Uber again, Yassin said.

"He does not have any ill will against them," Yassin said of Uber. "But nobody gave him a chance and everybody immediately thought he was guilty."

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