Fünf Parallelen zwischem dem Feminismus von heute und dem Ku-Klux-Klan
Wie das feministische Lager heute mitteilte, soll es allmählich ein Ende haben mit unserer Ideologiekritik. Genderama sieht das ein und schließt sich diesem Protest mit einer lockeren Reihe von Artikeln an, die wir nicht mehr lesen möchten. Wir beginnen mit einem aktuellen Beitrag von Brendan O'Neill, dem Herausgeber des Magazins "Spiked":
We are in the midst of a war on rape. From American campuses to British courthouses, from newspaper op-ed pages to the weird world of online petitions, ‘zero tolerance’ of rape has been declared. And who could possibly be against it? No one is ‘pro-rape’. So surely everyone will cheer a war on rape. Not so fast. Wars on rape have been declared before, and often for deeply reactionary reasons, having the effect of harming society rather than helping women. Consider the ‘war on rape’ declared in America’s Deep South in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when the KKK and other racists likewise declared zero tolerance of rape – rape committed by black men, that is – and signalled their determination to wipe out this ‘ultimate transgression’. There was little positive in that crusade. And here are five ways in which today’s non-racist feministic ‘war on rape’ echoes the lynch-mob logic of yesteryear’s racist ‘war on rape’.
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Brite Beginnt Kampagne, Um Vergewaltigten Männern Zu Helfen
A Bristol campaigner has launched a project to raise awareness of male rape. Dan Farr, who successfully campaigned for a reduction in the city's bus fares, has turned his attentions to a subject he says is too often overlooked. (...) In a statement...
Endlich: Tipps Für Männer, Wie Sie Mit Dem Vergewaltigen Aufhören Können
A yearly magazine published by a feminist group at the California-based Cypress College republished a three-year-old list of "tips to end rape." (...) The list features helpful tips such as "don’t put drugs in women’s drinks" and the more direct...
Us-unis: Männer Sollen Trillerpfeife Blasen, Bevor Sie Eine Frau Vergewaltigen
The University of Colorado, Boulder (CU) has distributed fliers around campus suggesting that potential rapists should blow a whistle before they rape a fellow student. The Wardenburg Student Health Center distributed the literature, which tells readers...
Oberster Gerichtshof Neu-delhis: Falschbeschuldigungen Bei Vergewaltigungen Richten Vergleichbar Großen Schaden An
Das passt zu der Meldung, die ich vor ein paar Stunden gebloggt habe: False allegation of rape can cause the same humiliation and distress to an accused which a rape victim undergoes, the Delhi High Court has said and highlighted the need to guard against...
Manchester: Zahl Vergewaltigter Männer Im Letzten Jahr Verdoppelt
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