Feministinnen zielen auf Informationsveranstaltung zur Jungenkrise
Wie Della Burton berichtet, sind Kanadas Feministinnen immer noch auf Kreuzzug gegen Veranstaltungen, die jungen- oder männerfreundlich ausgerichtet sind:
Men’s Rights Edmonton has arranged a lecture event to be held on July 29th at 7pm at the Edmonton Public Library (Stanley A. Milner branch) with Dr. James Brown, author of Rescuing our Underachieving Sons.
(...) Dr. Brown, a career educator with a doctorate in education and post doctoral diplomas in Educational Administration and in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership, will be discussing the challenge of improving boys’ education.
Due to opposition by local feminists, promoting the event has been a challenge.
According to Eric Duckman, posters advertising the event have been vandalized with paint or torn down almost instantly after being put up.
This leads to the question, why would feminists be so opposed to a lecture by a highly respected and credentialed educator on improving boys’ performance in school?
There may be an opportunity to get an answer to that question at the event, as a counter-event has been organized to take place at the site. The event, titled "Feministing at ‘Rescuing Our Underachieving Sons’" is described by its organizer Brittany Kustra as a chance to confront attending men’s rights activists over their "Don’t be that girl” poster campaign, and to “see who is behind the group."
Hier geht es weiter.
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