Feministin schockiert über hohe Selbstmordraten bei jungen Männern - und die Gleichgültigkeit der Gesellschaft

Feministin schockiert über hohe Selbstmordraten bei jungen Männern - und die Gleichgültigkeit der Gesellschaft

Joan Ryan äußert im ”San Francisco Chronicle” ihre Fassungslosigkeit:

In a recent column about a UC Davis freshman who shot himself, I included a statistic from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Boys commit 86 percent of all adolescent suicides.

Eighty-six percent.

The number floored me, particularly as the mother of a son. Yet not a single e-mail, phone call or letter about the column mentioned the striking statistic.

It occurred to me that if 86 percent of adolescent suicides were girls, there would be a national commission to find out why. There'd be front-page stories and Oprah shows and nonprofit foundations throwing money at sociologists and psychologists to study female self-destruction. My feminist sisters and I would be asking, rightly, "What's wrong with a culture that drives girls, much more than boys, to take their own lives?"

So why aren't we asking what's wrong with a culture that drives boys, much more than girls, to take their own lives? Even in academia, where you can find studies on the most obscure topics, there is little research explaining why boys are disproportionately killing themselves.

Weiter geht es hier.

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