Britischer Lord befürchtet, dass Feminismus lächerlich wird
There is a "ludicrous" obsession with ensuring there is equal representation of men and woman in parliament and other areas of public life, a former Conservative cabinet minister has said.
Lord Hurd, who served as home secretary and foreign secretary under Margaret Thatcher and Sir John Major, also said if voters did not like having a "good looking chap from a public school" as prime minister they would stop choosing them.
(...) During a discussion on the lack of high profile female political leaders, Lord Hurd said Thatcher had always been "impatient" with the focus on her as the first women prime minister.
"She was the prime minister because she was the best person available regardless of gender, that was her firm belief," Lord Hurd said.
He added: "I think, therefore, the danger of feminism, the danger of constantly putting near the top of agenda that there ought to be more women and more women in this and that sphere of our life, is that you balance over and you become slightly ludicrous."
The Conservative peer also said all-women shortlists for parliamentary constituencies were "deeply undemocratic and will fail".
He noted that selection panels, the party members who pick the candidates, were "not just largely men, but women who choose men".
The Labour Party introduced all-women shortlists in order to force up the number of female MPs on its benches. But the measure has faced stiff opposition within both the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats who have so far successfully resisted its imposition.
Die Huffington Post berichtet.
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