Auch in Australien: Bewusstsein für Diskriminierung von Männern entsteht
Nachdem in Australien Männer erstmals juristische Schritte wegen ihrer Diskriminierung durch Fluglinien eingeleitet hatten, entsteht auch in diesem Land nun eine stärkere Wahrnehmung der Diskriminierung von Männern:
The stigma of males working with children can seen in schools, where male teachers becoming an endangered species. Steven Badger runs one of the country's most successful swim schools but he fears political correctness is scaring men out of his industry. "The suspicion that because I'm a male, their child is at some risk, because I am taking the class rather than a female member of staff. It offends me," Mr Badger said.
The governing authority, AUSTSWIM, now trains teachers to ask permission every time a child in a class needs to be held or touched. "Put it this way, I am yet to be convinced that any of these measures have actually protected one extra child," Mr Badger said.
President of the Australian Primary Principals Association Norm Hart believes it is the fear of litigation and of being judged that makes young men stay away from the teaching profession. "We're all disassociating ourselves from children and I think that's quite sad. There's nothing more important than educating the next generation and we should have our brightest and best, both men and women, doing that work," Mr Hart said.
According to Dr Karen Brooks, associate professor at the UQ Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, society risks alienating men on a wide scale. She claims the consequences of the idea that all men are predators is damaging. "What it means is it will change the way we perceive each other, the way we interact, and it is already modifying our behaviours," Dr Brooks said. "Gender discrimination against men does exist within our society and we see it in multiple forms," she concluded.
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