"Washington Times" bespricht "Save the Males"
Anyone paying the slightest attention to the hothouse that American culture has become knows that men and masculinity have been under siege for the last few decades. Guys have been described in the most unsavory terms - lazy, violent, deceitful, maniacally over-sexed, pathologically unfair, none too bright (when was the last time you saw a man in a television commercial who wasn't either a lout or a helpless doofus?) - and are deemed to be the proximate cause of all bad things in the world, especially responsible for every unhappiness suffered by any woman. If you don't think this is so, read just about any description of any university course in women's studies, a fairly new "discipline" whose main purpose for being is to drill into college students that men are awful, masculinity is passe at best, dangerous at worst, and that women are victims, saints, martyrs, and all around superior human beings.
Kathleen Parkers Buch, das ich hier und hier bereits kurz vorgestellt hatte, erhält in den USA weiterhin eine so gute Presse, wie sie hierzulande für männerfreundliche Bücher kaum vorstellbar ist.
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Us-buchneuerscheinung: "save The Males" stellt ein Buch der Kolumnistin Kathleen Parker, das am 10. Juni erscheinen wird, mit folgenden Worten vor: Tell a woman we need to save the males and she’ll give you the name of her shrink. But cultural provocateur Kathleen Parker, who was...
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