"Selbstmord kann als Geschlechter-Thema nicht länger ignoriert werden"
Der britische Guardian berichtet:
Each time suicide reaches the headlines our attention is directed at particular groups – middle-aged men, people in deprived areas or in certain professions. This is splitting hairs. The latest statistics underline the message that Calm (the campaign against living miserably) has maintained for years; gender runs through UK suicide statistics like letters in a stick of rock. The highest suicide rate is among men aged 30-44, in men aged 45 to 59 suicide has increased significantly between 2007 and 2011, and in 2011 more men under 35 died from suicide in the UK than road accidents, murder and HIV/Aids combined. Even in the 60+ age group, men were three times more likely to take their lives than women.
Hier geht es weiter.
Natürlich weisen auch hierzulande Männerrechtler und Männerforscher wie Professor Matthias Franz und Professor Walter Hollstein seit Jahren darauf hin. Bislang erfolglos. Es fehlt am politischen Druck einer starken Männerrechtsbewegung, die derzeit durch die unsäglichsten Verunglimpfungen klein gehalten wird.
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