Approximately 80% of the unemployed today are men. The unemployment ax is falling hard on men - many are in jobs that don't require education beyond high school; this will transcend the current economic crisis due to the combined effects of technology and globalization. Obama and Congress face millions of angry and disillusioned unemployed young men.
For every 100 women enrolled in college in the U.S., 77 men are. And this trend is continuing to worsen. In regard to bachelor degrees, it's 10-0/63. In regard to associate (community colleges), it's 10-0/67. For every 100 women ages 18-21 in prison, 1,430 men are. For every 100 young women, ages 20-24 who commit suicide, 624 young men will. For every 100 girls suspended from public elementary and secondary schools, 250 boys are, and for those expelled it's 10-0/335.
Boys lose interest in school at a younger and younger age. Our schools know the problem and how to began to fix it, but do not. Single sex classes can be a part of the answer. More men in teaching one another as well as better instructional methods. But often these and others are directly or indirectly (by intimidation) adversely affected by feminist organizations. (...)
After three decades (plus) of feminism, shouldn't this have been the decade during which our culture provided just a little encouragement for boys and young men? The actual result: Last month Obama created the White House Council for Women and Girls. Right there in the White House.
Women's groups pressured him - about 50 of them, I hear. They wanted an actual cabinet seat for a Women's Office, but now are happy that they have the entire cabinet as every matter that now comes before the cabinet must include an assessment of what impact it will have on women and girls. One well known lady evidently exclaimed that now we have a nation of women.
Some of us better start looking at our boys and men. It's getting late in the game.